Friday, November 5, 2010

Before, and After

So yesterday was a very beautiful day in Salem. But, me, like the dork I am, stayed inside all day. Wanting to take some pictures, I grabbed my camera and took some while in the car (on the way to Wal-mart). I wasn't too happy with what I got. So I decided to have some fun and try to fix them up. Here are some of my "Before and Afters".




The last one is my absolute favorite! This Saturday, HOPEFULLY, I will take some pictures of my older sister, and I will put my favorites on here. Have a good Friday!


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Fall is here!

So I just happen to live in Oregon : it rains most of the year, and is bipolar the other half. But one thing I must say is that Oregon is absolutely beautiful in the fall. Trees are in abundance here; driving down the street you are greeted with so many different colors: browns, reds, yellows, and even some green from trees that are late bloomers. My mom has been really into walking everywhere lately, and thats all right with me. More nature! 
   Anyway, my sister is a senior this year. Hurray for her......and she's getting pictures later on, but has agreed to let me do some of hers! Nichole, (my sister), is probably my best "model". Here is my favorite picture of her:
Isn't she awesome? I hope to do even better. 
    As you all know, Halloween was on Sunday. It was pretty good for me. I got some really good pictures ( if I do say so myself) of my sisters Violette and Bella, and my brother Kaleb. 
This is Violette as a fairy. 
Bella as an Indian.
And Kaleb as a Jedi Master. 
They all had lots of fun, and got lots of candy! So thats it, and I will blog later on this week. Keep following!
